Sunday, September 24, 2006

Japanese magazine visit

"Chopstick" (another nick name)finally catching the tuna that he wished for.
"Chopstick" aptly named for his very slight frame, was one of 3 japanese in Weipa recently putting together a fishing article for a japanese fishing magazine.
The fishing could have been easier however we did manage to have a few good sessions.
The 3 day's finishing with an amazing barra bite, that left them wanting more and still very excited and talking about returning, as I drove them out to the plane to fly back to Japan.
Hollywood (nick name) with nice barra taken on a lure in Waldrum creek.
"This might go down well with another bottle of Houghtons white burgundy or two"

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Last week the weather could not be worse the first couple of days with westerly winds and 2m of swell. The rivers got a good work out with a bunch of small barras and lots of trees caught it was good to have the weather improve for the last two days. With lots of bait and cleaner water off Pera Tuna, Trevaly, and macks were on offer. The last day we even managed 6 legal size barras in the mouth of Walldrum creek on the way back from down the coast.

Monday, September 11, 2006

My stepdaughter JoJo during the Weipa fishing comp this 4.5kg golden trevaly gave Jo a very good fight on light line.She as you can see was very happy with that fish and a couple of others that she cought.Sorry i cant find more time to catch more fish with you.

Peter with his 90cm barra after casting lures all morrning with a buntch off very unbig barra we live baited on the run in tide. With the tide pushing in lots of different fish species came too, this barra was the second 90cm fish to come to the boat.Enjoy the finals Pete and go the Nights.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Peter and Con on the 7th of September with two off eight spanish mackeral happy after catching tuna, trevaly and mad fish all day. Hopefuly the rest of Saptember is as good as last with lots of macks.
The two girls my beautiful Linda and her friend Terry end of August with two off five barras one 62 & 65cm. Terry had a great time getting a tan to take back to Gloucester to show family and friend. The fishing was good to with tuna and trevaly down the cost.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Newsflash - Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter has just been killed at 11 am this morning.

He was spiked by a stingray in the chest while filming a documentary at Batt reef Port Douglass

He will be sadly missed by all his fans

Rick Boebel from NZ with a 19lb longtail captured on fly in August.

You finally caught a bigger fish than Dougall, congrats, looks like the casting practice is paying off.