The last week in October seen the last charter that was a shame because the fish were jumping in the boat. We were heading down the coast to do some reef fishing when I seen this sailfish fining on the surface as we pulled up the fish came over to investigate. I had the still frozen mulet out of the esky and was feeding them over the back while getting a trace ready. As I looked over the side I could see the fish ten feet down eating the mulet
one at a time. We baited the hook and dropped it over, the fish

swam up and eat the still half frozen mulet the hook was set and the game was on. After about 15 minute of great boat driving the sail was ours for some quick photos before release. The tuna were so thick you could have walked on there backs this 24 pounder was the size of quite a lot of them. We also got up the river for one and a half days with 50 barra caught and released and many other species these guys had a great time and will be back. It was a shame to finish at the end of October with the fish jumping in the boat.