Well, the last 2 weeks has left 15 flyfishermen understanding why WEIPA HAS THE BEST SALTWATER FLY FISHERY IN THE COUNTRY. Where else are you going to beach fish for metre long queenfish or barra to 75cm, or get a triple header of mangrove jacks, and cast an innocent white clouser in among bait balls being creamed by countless tuna, sharks, and even the odd billfish...

(both sailfish and marlin were seen on the last day). I don't think there was much that wasn't caught or at least cast to in the last two weeks. OK no permit were caught, but on at least one occasion a crab fly was cast in their direction. The species count for each week was around the 40 mark and included some truly fantastic fish on fly.
Bait balls, I mean when the bait is so thick that the sharks even close their

eyes and still get a mouthful of sardines were seen most days, making hooking a tuna just a matter of dangling the fly from the rod tip!
A few mantas were still around, with some cobia in accompaniment and queenies and trevally.
Some nice barras were caught in the estuaries on surface flies (gurglers and poppers) and the usual flats species were present in the lower estuaries and beaches (blue salmon, Giant herring, golden trevally, queenies etc.)

Weipa has so many options open to be fly fished at the moment which highlights just how strong this fishery is.