Saturday, July 29, 2006

Luke Gower, bass player for the Sydney band Cog with his first barra, not huge but made a happy man none the less. Luke fished with us this year as Jimmy Barnes cancelled, due to an appointment to sing the National anthem for the soccaroo's at the World cup in Germany.Luke had a great trip fishing with Richie Netes from Perth.

Ther have been quite a few of these around on the mud banks during the cooler weather, we even seen quite a large one floating around off Boyd point yesterday.

Vic Hislop eat your heart out!

Notso with an example of what has been eating all our tuna every time we hook one.

Only another thousand to go! This is an average size bull shark that makes landin an more importantly releasing a trophy fish in Weipa.

We have been plagued with these pests for the last few years every time the tuna schools arrive.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Holding Fish

Posing with a fish is what everyone's holiday to Weipa is all about. It is too hard to bring them all back, so we like to take pictures of them all and brag to our mates about them, with some hard pictorial evidence to back the stories up. Just recently we used our fish holding "crash test dummy", Paul from Brisbane to demonstrate the incorrect and correct ways to pose with a slippery tarpon. The first couple of pictures Paul demonstrated the wrong, however amusing way to get a grip on slippery fish. Paul then demonstrated how to hold a fish still to grab a quick happy snap. We at Fish's Fly and Sportfishing wish to thank Paul for his fish grasping capabilities.