Vic Hislop eat your heart out!
Notso with an example of what has been eating all our tuna every time we hook one.
Only another thousand to go! This is an average size bull shark that makes landin an more importantly releasing a trophy fish in Weipa.
We have been plagued with these pests for the last few years every time the tuna schools arrive.
Is that a metal slug hanging out of the sharks mouth and if so, did Notso catch it?
PS Hugging sharks is almost as dangerous as going out with the bosses daughter. Notso must have a death wish!
Hey Fish, we know that they are easy to hook, but you have to tell us how you landed it.
No that is just a hook hangin out of his mouth, but yep they are both dangerous!
With a ball and chain and a little help from a boat Jon!
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