Well we are just about to start up for the season so onour last day's off we went fishing (as you do).
Things look pretty good down the coast with the water colour clearing and looking more like it should, and the tides receding back to normal.
Guess now we just have to see if the bait turns up?
There have been a few tuna at the bottom end of the bay, but are very flighty and hard to approach.
Hopefully that will all change in the coming weeks.
My sister in law Janine has come to Weipa doing some training to become a nurse so the family ventured out for a day's fishing and sight seeing.
Kristy my daughter and Notso's other half captured a 8kg goldie on 10lb line from under a manta ray. We then went to red cliffs for a dip under the fresh spring water pouring from the cliffs and had a bite of lunch before heading home.
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