Last week, Gerald Cooper, a Weipa regular shouted Grandson Michael a 16th birthday fishing trip here. Michael took to casting lures like a fish to water (pardon the pun) and had a ball catching all sorts of estuary species. The largest fish of the week was a group effort Queensland Groper measuring 147cm and weighing more than I want to deal with again!! Gerald backed up the following day with a smaller specimen, 100cm neat on his own from a mud drain. Mornings were spent on the high tide flats swatting sand flies and hoping not to catch another blue salmon - crikey they are thick in the creeks at the moment! The afternoons saw us fishing an assortment of drains which at times were a mess of blue salmon, queenies and barra as the bait fish swam the daily gauntlet. A single day was spent down the coast searching for mythical tuna - we got a shot and it fell off, but the beaches made up for it with a couple of mantas and lots of blue salmon (for something different) and a relaxing lunch in the shade of she oaks on the beach. While the pelagic scene has been slow, it shows why Weipa is so good having its diversity and generally always something to have fun with.