Just a few more pictures showing how good the fishing is at this time of year on the right tides. Kerry (top pictures) had never really fished the tropics before and by the end of the week had caught around 50 barras - his best at 92cm (lure caught), with biggest fish of 4 days, a groper of 110cm which took both guys to hold. His brother Glen ispictured holding 1 of 3 105cm Jewies along with a lure caught 98cm barra and a rare treat,
BOTH halves of a shark attacked queenie! Glen himself managed roughly 50 barras also for the 4 days and there was a blur of countless blue salmon (some massive fish for the species), fingermark, cod, gropers, mangrove jacks (to 49cm), queenies (of course). The bussiest day saw over 70 fish landed, of which only 1 was kept for dinner. DOwn the coast has been a little quieter than the creeks of late but a few days earlier I had a day where we managed a couple of tuna from not too many shots, had a bite froma sailfish on soft plastic (fell off) and caught a 25lb blue bastard on soft palstic
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